While the following three methods are the most popular, they each have individual levels of earning potential. If you are simply looking to supplement your income, any one of these three may be right for you. However if you are looking to build income that will replace your 9 to 5 job and provide you with wealth building opportunities, some of the more recent, innovative approaches might be your best bet.
Multi Tier Affiliate Marketing - There are some affiliate marketing programs that operate on a multi tier program. You can generate residual income by signing up new recruits to promote the affiliate's products or services. This can be an easy place to get started in network marketing but only if you are already familiar enough with SEO and can drive enough site traffic to make sales. Otherwise, this approach can be difficult for the beginner.
Top Tier Methods - The newest and, in my opinion, most innovative network marketing approach is what is often called the top tier method. This method utilizes both a direct sales approach that allows you to "get paid today" but also provides an avenue to generate long term residual income.
Instead of trying to find the best way to earn residual income online, why not learn about an innovative new direct sales approach to network marketing? Get your copy of this FREE report that will explain why traditional network marketing methods no longer work. If you are already feeling the downline crunch, I can help you transform your diminishing residual income onlineand turn your business into a cash machine. Get your FREE report today |
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