Most newbie's to internet marketing will start out as affiliate marketers as a way of making money online, as this appears to be the easiest starting point. To begin with you don't need a product, or a website, which is a major hurdle for newbie internet marketers just starting out. So you can actually hit the ground running.
I have outlined 4 essential considerations for the newbie, which can mean the difference between succeeding or failing online.
Tip #1. USP, unique selling proposition, selling a unique product.
To achieve the best possible results try selling a unique product or a product with a USP. This could be difficult because most products available for selling by affiliates are being sold by other affiliates who are effectively their competitors. You could look for a unique product with potential that may not be listed on any of the affiliate web sites and convince the owner or producers of the product to list it and allow you to become there first affiliate marketer. This way you will have the jump on your affiliate counterparts who may pick up on the product at a later date.
Tip #2. Understand fully and appreciate concepts of marketing and sales strategies.
Most newbie's won't have a clue when it comes to marketing and sales promotions of their affiliate products. Most enter the market with the misconception that the sellers website will sell the product without them having to do anything. As an affiliate marketer you must understand that getting the product in front of potential customers eyes is the key to making sales. And the more eyes the better. This is the newbie's biggest challenge...If this one concept isn't taken on board by the newbie marketer or understood fully then the affiliate marketer will ultimately be destined to fail, i.e. make any sales of significance.
Tip #3. Having the right tools to help make sales is essential
Having an awareness of the necessity to grasp these concepts is the first step. Look at what what other successful affiliate marketers are doing and imitate them. What tools are they using, what techniques and strategies are they using. You will be surprised just how much they are doing to get their affiliate products in front of potential customers. Each one will be different but you will see some commonalities amongst many of them, i.e. email marketing, article marketing, blogs, promoting through social network sites, video's etc.
Tip #4. Set up an Auto responder
An essential part of any affiliate marketing campaign is the setting up of an auto responder which will allow you to achieve two of the most important components of making money online. Firstly the auto responder will help build a relationship with your list and it will help you keep track of potential customers and buying customers.
It does this when your customers click through to your squeeze, landing or opt-in page leaving their email address. Automatic replies can be programmed into your autoreponder so that instant replies and directions can be sent out to customers immediately and in the future for new products you wish to market and sell. With this simple tool you will be able to learn a lot about your customer responses to your marketing efforts.
You will know where and when potential customers have come to your affiliate site and whether they have purchased or not. This information will provide excellent feedback to gauge your marketing successes or failures. If one strategy isn't working you may have to make a few adjustments.
Author: Vince Low |
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